The contentadmin element of a Vine Type template file describes the XHTML needed to render an article editing form.
Content admin forms contain several pairs of text and entry elements
- Title
- Section
- Template
- commentdays
- Text
<form id="frmadmincontent" action="default.aspx" method="post">
<p>$label_article_title <input name="articletitle" size="35" class="logform" value="$_articletitle" /></p>
<p>$label_article_section <input name="articlesections" size="35" class="logform" value="$_article_sections" /></p>
<p>$label_article_template $_article_template_dropdown</p>
<p>$label_article_commentdays <input name="articlecommentdays" size="5" class="logform" value="$_commentdays" /></p>
<p>$label_article_content <textarea name="articlecontent" rows="25" cols="35" class="logform">$_article_text</textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="$label_save" id="submitsave" name="submitsave" />
<input type="submit" value="$label_new" id="submitadd" name="submitadd" />
<input type="submit" value="$label_delete" id="submitdelete" name="submitdelete" />
<input type="submit" value="$label_logout" id="logout" name="logout" />
<input type="hidden" value="$_currentcategory" id="currentsection" name="currentsection" />
<input type="hidden" value="$_id" id="articleid" name="articleid" />
<input type="submit" value="$label_wbadmin_delete" id="submitdeletewbs" name="submitdeletewbs" />
The two hidden input elements (one will contain the article id, the other will contain the value of the current section) are required.
Articles are written to the site.xml file in the db folder.
Although you may rearrange the order or locations of the article input elements, it is recommended that no changes be made to the input elements themselves.