- $_archives
applicable sections
- html
associated vinetype.config variables
Place this variable at the location in the body element where you want the monthly listing of archive links to be placed.
- Each year of archives will be placed in a paragraph with the class attribute of archiveyear.
- The months of that year will be placed into an unordered list with a class attribute of archivemonths. The month names will be in list elements within the unordered list.
- Each month name will be followed by
- an opening bracket
- the number of entries
- a closing bracket
A span element with a class attribute of archivemonthbracket will contain all three items. The middle item, the actual count of articles, will be displayed within a span element with a class attribute of archivemonthcount.
If you wish to display only the month names and not the count of articles, use a CSS selector such as the one below to prevent the counts from displaying.
span.archivemonthbracket { display: none; }
The opening and closing brackets are customizable through the vinetype.config file. The variable values are $archive_bracket1
and $archive_bracket2