- $_recent
applicable sections
- html
associated vinetype.config entries
- $recent_count (the number of recent articles to display)
- $recent_summaries (whether or not to display entire articles)
Place this variable at the location in the body element where you want the most recently posted articles to appear.
Most likely you'll use this variable in a "home page" template that shows recent articles. This way your home page shows the most recent articles without you having to explicitly post to the "home" page section.
This variable allows you the ability to always show the most recent articles on your web page without having to go back and alter the articles' section definitions. Simply post the article to its appropriate section, and because it is the most recent article, it will appear within the recent-article list.
Once more articles appear and displace your original article within the most recent list, the article will remain accessible and findable within its section.